Posts in Couples Counseling
Why Dating Your Spouse Matters

Dating your spouse helps rekindle the spark that brought you together in the first place. When life gets hectic, it’s easy to become co-managers of a household rather than romantic partners. Date nights remind you that your partner is more than just a roommate or co-parent—they are your lover, best friend, and life companion. These intentional moments together help to create new memories, reignite passion, and reinforce the foundation of your relationship.

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Slippery When Wet

Showering together can be an intimate experience for a couple, but the level of intimacy depends on the dynamics of the relationship and the context of the moment. It’s not just about physical closeness—it’s about fostering a deeper connection on multiple levels. A shared shower can be an opportunity to reconnect, nurture intimacy, and create moments of closeness in an otherwise busy life.

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Common Holiday Stressors That Impact Relationships

The holiday season, while often seen as a time of joy and connection, can introduce unique stressors that affect even the strongest relationships. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” experience, certain themes emerge in my couple sessions around this time each year. Here are some common holiday stressors that may impact relationships, along with thoughts to manage them.

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Couples CounselingAmy Rollo
Empathy in Healthy Relationships

Empathy forms the cornerstone of healthy and thriving relationships, deepening connection and understanding between partners.  

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The Art of Apologizing: Repairing and Strengthening Relationship Bonds

Apologies are not just about admitting fault; they are sign and a cornerstone of a healthy relationship.  Today we are going to discuss the impact sincere apologies can have on repairing and strengthening the bonds between partners. 

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How Dragon Ball Z Helps Me and My Partner Talk about Money

Talking about money with one’s partner is never just talking about money. Money can serve as a proxy for a million different things – our work ethic, our values, our expectations of others, our plans for the future, and our visions of ourselves, just to name a few.

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April Podcast Recommendations!

Hey, y’all! This is the fourth installment of my ongoing series where I get to share my love of podcasts and mental health awareness!

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Healthy Communication: ARC Statements

Improving communication skills is one of the most common goals for individuals and couples seeking therapy. Interpersonal skills are essential in all aspects of our lives- work and career, friendships, romantic relationships, and parenting.

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Recognizing Red Flags and Green Flags in a Relationship

While dating, we are often told we will “just know” when a partner(s) is right for us. We are taught to trust our gut and look for personality characteristics such as kindness, intelligence, humor, trustworthiness, and friendliness.

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The Components of a Genuine Apology

Even if you haven’t seen the classic 1970’s romance flick Love Story, the odds are pretty good that you’ve heard it’s most famous line: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

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Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Why wait to the last minute, rush, and hastily throw plans together? I’m here to help do some of the idea leg work for you. In a city like Houston, with so much to offer, there’s something for everyone! Plus, ideas for those wanting to have some romantic date-in ideas! Discuss with your partner, if y’all want to go out, or stay in!

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Empathy or Validation, Or Both?

I was listening to a podcast the other day and the question that was presented was how are we supposed to go about showing empathy for those with who we know that we do not agree? The context in which this question was presented was not specific but it got me thinking of all the situations that this dynamic presents itself.

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